Prost dispus? Melancolic? Plictisit? Cu stima de sine scazuta? Se rezolva!
Daca ai un blog, stii ca in mod frecvent primesti comentarii spam. Daca te regasesti in una din cele patru stari mentionate mai sus sau intr-una asemanatoare, te rog sa te asezi pe scaun, relaxat, si sa incepi sa-ti lecturezi comentariile spam. Sau citeste in continuare :-):
“Wonderful expnlaation of facts available here.” / “I’m imperessd! You’ve managed the almost impossible.” / “I am forever indebted to you for this informaiotn.” – multumesc, sunt un talent innascut :>
“Very true! Makes a change to see somenoe spell it out like that. ” / “That’s more than seinslbe! That’s a great post!” – si cand ma gandesc de cat timp aman postarea acestui articol…
“Pin my tail and call me a donkey, that really hleepd.” – ma bucur pentru tine, donkey 😉
“A minute saved is a minute ernaed, and this saved hours!” / “You couldn’t pay me to igonre these posts!” / “This is one of the top sites I have visited in a while, cheers for creating this. Bookmarked and will be back for more.” – si stima de sine cresteeee :-))
“Weeeee, what a quick and easy suoltoin.” / “I was really cofunesd, and this answered all my questions.” – data viitoare intreba-ma pe mine prima data 😛
“If time is money you’ve made me a welatiher woman.” – deci asa se face! sa inteleg ca am devenit un soi de alchimist, huh?
“Please keep tohrwing these posts up they help tons.” / “This is exactly what I was lokiong for. Thanks for writing!” – cu placere 🙂
“And to think I was going to talk to soomnee in person about this.” – bine ca m-ai intalnit pe mine prima data 😛
“Sweet site, super design , real clean and utilise pleasant.” – stiam eu ca am ales bine 😀
No, cum stam cu moralul acuma? Sa existe un efect placebo si la comentariile spam?
Norocoaso, macar le primesti in engleza :))
stai sa vezi alea pe chineza ce funny sunt
Serios? De-alea inca n-am primit :-))
Si eu rad dar la cuvintele si frazele cu care se ajunge pe blogul meu :D.
da, si alea pot fi foarte faine cateodata 🙂